
Nonprofit OCHIN operates the most comprehensive database on primary healthcare and outcomes of under-resourced patients in the United States, including 1.3 million rural residents. The OCHIN Epic EHR data warehouse aggregates electronic health record (EHR) and social determinants of health (SDH) data representing >8 million patients from 286 health systems and 2,463 clinic sites across 40 states (5.5 million patients are ‘active,’ with a visit in the last 3 years). Approved AIM-AHEAD projects can obtain access to up to 12 years of longitudinal OCHIN Epic ambulatory EHR data.

Contributing health systems are outpatient community-based health centers (CHCs), which deliver comprehensive, high-quality primary care health care services for communities most impacted by health disparities, including rural communities and veterans. CHCs often provide on-site services such as dental, pharmacy, mental health, substance abuse treatment, and social work regardless of patients’ ability to pay.

Explore the OCHIN Database through Cohort Discovery, a web-based software tool for obtaining counts of patients matching user-specified inclusion/exclusion criteria. To gain access to Cohort Discovery, AIM-AHEAD program applicants must have completed and be up to date with standard training in Human Subjects Research and Responsible Conduct of Research. Access will be granted within 3 – 7 business days.

Overall Inclusion of Source Database

  • Data years available for AIM-AHEAD: 2012-2023 (>72 million total encounters)
  • Patients with one or more ambulatory, telehealth, or dental visit at a member clinic site on or after 1/1/2012
  • Records from institutionalized patients and neonates (<28 days old) are excluded



Key Characteristics of OCHIN EHR Data
Variables Percent Patient Count
Total all-time patients
Total active patients (seen in last three years)
100% and Below Federal Poverty Level (FPL)  40.4% 3,493,065
101% - to 200% FPL  33.4%  2,887,174
Medicare   7.5%  648,777
Medicaid  48.3%  4,171,776
Uninsured   25.7%  2,217,214
Rural 15.5% 1,342,843
Spanish Speaking  21.6%  1,861,447
Black  16.6%  1,431,134
Hispanic / Latino/a/x  33.2%  2,867,563
Asian  5.1%  444,384
American Indian/Alaska Native  1.2%  101,837
Diabetes 10.7% 730,202
Hypertension  20.8% 1,423,945
Asthma1  8.6% 585,846
Hyperlipidemia1 19.2%  1,309,627
Mental/Behavioral Health Dx1,2 38.7% 2,641,577
Obesity3 12.1% 824,152
1Chronic condition percentages presented among all-time adult patients (N=6,835,422)
2Includes anxiety, bipolar, depressive disorders, schizophrenia, and other psychotic disorders
Obesity diagnosis on problem list or last-recorded BMI >30
Available Data at a Glance
Domain Example variables
Demographics Sex, age, race, ethnicity, language, FPL, sexual orientation, gender identity, vital status/death date, state, and zip code of residence.
Encounters Encounter type, level of service, provider type, date.
Diagnoses (from encounters, problem list, and patient-reported medical history) ICD-9 and ICD-10 diagnosis codes, description, date.
Procedures (from encounters and patient-reported surgical history) CPT and HCPCS procedure codes, description, date.
Vitals BP, BMI, and tobacco use measurements, measurement date.
Laboratory results Lab type (standardized to LOINC), specimen source, date, result.
Medications (prescribing and dispensing) RxNorm, NDC, medication name, dose, quantity, route, frequency, refill count.
Patient-reported outcomes Screening questionnaire responses (e.g., PHQ2, PHQ9, AUDIT), screening date.
Immunizations Immunization type, dose, administration date.
Social determinants of health Patient-level social needs screenings recorded in EHR, e.g., food insecurity, housing quality, housing insecurity, transportation needs, education, employment.
Area-level social and environmental data  Geographically linked neighborhood-level indicators at census tract and/or ZCTA level. OCHIN facilitates direct linkage to CDC’s Environmental Justice Index and AHRQ’s Social Determinants of Health Database.

OCHIN Patient Distribution by Facility's State

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