AIM-AHEAD Applied Ethics AI Subcore
The AIM-AHEAD Applied Ethics AI Subcore page is a central resource for discussing and exploring ethical issues within the AIM-AHEAD Program. Here, you can access expert insights, engage in meaningful conversations, and find valuable resources to guide your ethical decision-making.
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Applied Ethics Discussion Forums
Community Health Workers (CHWs), or Promotores de Salud in Latino communities, help address health disparities by providing education and services to under-resourced populations. To strengthen their research skills, the "Building Research Integrity and Capacity" (BRIC) initiative offers eight training modules for self-paced learning or professional development. A complementary course was also created to help faculty better engage under-resourced communities in research. Dr. Nebeker will discuss the co-design and evaluation of these educational resources.

About the Speaker
Dr. Camille Nebeker, EdD, MS, is Co-Founder and Director at UC San Diego Research Center for Optimal Digital Ethics - Health, Professor at Herbert Wertheim School of Public Health and Human Longevity Science, and Director of UC San Diego Research Ethics Program, University of California, San Diego.
Zoom link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84694432646?pwd=LfXyYerpK2ErARq5ha6b6DMfBb3COb.1